Barbara Humphries Johnson - Texas, USA
My love for Cannabis came from a very hard personal struggle of mine with a diagnosis of Breast cancer on my 31st birthday. I became very active in the Cannabis community, taking on a board member role for my local Norml chapter, and being very active at the State Capital; working on changing laws here in my state of Texas regarding Cannabis.
Cannabis helped me tremendously during my treatments, to be able to eat; and not get sick during 18 months of chemotherapy treatments, and 33 rounds of radiation.
I began making trips to the Texas State Capitol during my active chemotherapy treatments, to speak in hearings regarding Medical Cannabis bills; & I was present during the passing of Texas current Compassionate Care Act, allowing limited low THC Cannabis for Intractable Epilepsy.
During my chemotherapy treatments, I started painting; I soon realized that I had a very special gift for art, and it was also very therapeutic for me during my hardest of times.
I like to paint many things, but Cannabis is one thing I would consider a muse in my artwork. Applying for the Cannabis Art Guild seemed perfect for me!
My mediums for art are painting with acrylic, or oil; as well as handmade
hand carved printmaking skills. I have both examples on my Emerge Art Gallery Page. www.facebook.com/EmergeArtGallery
Former DFW Norml Patient Outreach Coordinator, Public speaker, Activist/advocate for Cannabis reform, Grassroots Political activist, Keynote Speech presenter & Writer, Experience with press release speaking.